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Weekly Update: May 11, 2018

Weekly Update: May 11, 2018

Dr. Janet M. Stutz, Superintendent, Grinnell-Newburg Schools
Weekly Update: May 11, 2018


Dear Grinnell-Newburg Family and Friends,

Happy Friday!  I hope that this weekly update finds you well. I am wondering what happened to our warm sunshine.  Today has been just a wonderful day of celebration. Our fifth graders were on the news while visiting the science center, our High School Band performed at the Iowa Bandmaster Conference, and our grandparents visited students at Bailey Park and Fairview.  I want to thank all of our teachers for planning these enriching activities! This is fabulous Tiger Pride!
Happy Teachers Appreciation Week!
We are very grateful to all our teachers for their dedication and service to our students and families.  I hope you’ve all had a great week!
Concert Band in Des Moines
Congratulations to our GHS band students who performed this morning at the Iowa Bandmasters Association in Des Moines today.  Their invitation to perform was the highest honor a high school band can receive, and they were outstanding. What a spectacular performance.  Congratulations to Mr. Dressler for all the work you have put in to building this group of fine musicians.
GHS band students performing at the Iowa Bandmasters Association
GHS band students performing at the Iowa Bandmasters Association
GHS band students performing at the Iowa Bandmasters Association
GHS band students performing at the Iowa Bandmasters Association
GHS band students performing at the Iowa Bandmasters Association
GHS band students performing at the Iowa Bandmasters Association
GHS band students performing at the Iowa Bandmasters Association
GHS band students performing at the Iowa Bandmasters Association
GHS band students performing at the Iowa Bandmasters Association

Fifth Graders on WHO
Our fifth graders took a trip to the Science Center in Des Moines today, and ended up on the WHO news station! Here is a fun video clip. I was so happy to see our students out and about.  #wearegrinnell
Registration 2018
It is that time of year again when all parents need to register their students for the 2018-19 school year.  Please be looking for registration instructions to be coming early next week. If you have not accessed your parent portal in a while, now is the time to ensure your login information is up to date. If you are having trouble logging in to your parent portal, please contact becky.nance@grinnell-k12.org or elizabeth.plagge@grinnell-k12.org.  
New leveled reading collection at Drake Community Library
Drake Community Library has added a new leveled reading collection that will be a great resource for both parents and students, especially over the summer months when we’re wanting children to maintain and improve their emergent reading skills.  If you have not received your child’s reading level, be sure to ask your K-4 teacher about their recommendations for your child to get your kids reading this summer!  
Board Meeting
Congratulations to the Davis Math Club volunteers and to bus drive Duane Loftin for receiving Above and Beyond recognitions at this past Board Meeting. Also a shout out to the Senior Capstone presenters for sharing their project idea with the Board of Education.
Above and Beyond recognitions
Above and Beyond recognitions
Our students from Mr. Crites’ American Government class had the opportunity to observe a Facility Committee meeting prior to the start of the Board Meeting. Students attend school board meetings to complete their Local Politics Assignment. This week students had the opportunity to learn how a Board Committee functions as the committee discussed the 11th avenue property.   
students from Mr. Crites’ American Government
Grandparents Day
Fairview and Bailey Park hosted their annual Grandparents Day, and everyone had a blast.  Thanks to everyone involved to make this such a special event for our grandparents and students.    
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day

Tonight - HS Spring Concert
Don’t forget to enjoy this evening’s final Choir Concert in the Auditorium.  The start time is 7:30 PM.
Middle School Spring Play - Don’t miss it!
The community is welcomed to enjoy this year’s production of Lunchroom this Saturday May 12. Showtimes are scheduled for 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM.
Meningitis vaccination for 2018/19
Iowa law now requires all students who will be enrolling in 7th and 12th grades, to receive a meningococcal vaccine prior to the first day of school.   There is no grace period to get the vaccination after the start of school. Any student entering 12th grade (born after 9/15/1999) and does not have the required vaccination or a certified exemption on file with the school, will be UNABLE TO START SCHOOL IN THE 2018/19 SCHOOL YEAR.  Vaccinations can be received by making an appointment with your local family doctor’s office or through Grinnell Public Health at 236-2385.  Further information can be found on the GNCSD website located under the Parents & Students/Health Information tab.
Snapshot of upcoming events: Visit the Calendar on our website for further details
May 15 - All-City Band Concert
May 23 - Fine Arts Awards Night
May 26 - Honors Night
May 27 - Commencement
May 28 - No School, Memorial Day
June 1 - Last Day of School
Don’t forget to visit the Virtual Backpack for new events!    
Have a great weekend, and Happy Mothers Day!
Dr. Janet M. Stutz
Grinnell-Newburg Schools

Weekly Events
Please view the events for the coming week as listed below for Grinnell High School & Middle School. If you find a discrepancy in this information; please contact Tracy Neighbors at (641) 236-2723 / tracy.neighbors@grinnell-k12.org or Chris Coffman at (641) 236-2695 / chris.coffman@grinnell-k12.org.
Monday 5/14
Girls Tennis 3:00 (home)
Girls Golf 4:15 vs CCA (Oakland Acres)
Girls Soccer 5:30 vs Boone (Ahrens Park)
Boys Soccer 6:00 Togetherness Night - HS Cafeteria
Tuesday 5/15
Boys Soccer V/JV 5:00 vs Norwalk (Ahrens Park)
Girls Soccer 5:00 @ Norwalk - bus - 2:45
All-City Band Concert 7:30- HS Gym
Wednesday 5/16
Girls Tennis Regional Tournament 9am @ Pella - bus - 7:00am
Thursday 5/17
Boys Soccer V/JV 5:00 vs Carlisle (Ahrens Park)
Girls Soccer 6:00 @ Carlisle - bus - 3:15
Tiger Paws Parent Meeting 6:30 HS Cafeteria
Boys & Girls State Track Meet - Drake Stadium
Friday 5/18
Boys & Girls State Track Meet - Drake Stadium
Saturday 5/19
Boys & Girls State Track Meet - Drake Stadium
Use the following link to volunteer for events at GHS or GMS https://tinyurl.com/yahgscsk
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