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Weekly Update: October 25, 2019

Janet Stutz

Weekly Update: October 25, 2019


Dear Grinnell Newburg Board of Education, Staff, Families and Friends,


Happy Friday! The end of October is near and the leaves on the Grinnell trees are not disappointing us this year! Fall is my favorite time of the year here in Grinnell.  

This week we will highlight each of our schools as we celebrate learning, activities, and just plain old school fun!  


Just a reminder that on November 6, 2019 we will be shutting down our plugged in devices for our third annual “Unplugged Night!” This is an evening of no homework, no meetings, practices, no technology, no TV, and time to reconnect. I promise, you can do it! I hope that you enjoy this evening together! 


Board Meeting Recap:

Presentations and information shared with our Board were the highlights for this board meeting. We heard from our K-2 principals about programming for our youngest learners, we shared information about the middle school iPad pilot and were excited that students presented, and we learned from Iowa Valley Community College about their upcoming Bond vote. Other items on the agenda included Above and Beyond presentation for the Summer SLICK program, Explanation of the Diamond Assets, information regarding bus purchases, and recognition of a $5,000 dollar donation for our Robotics Team from Victor Manufacturing. We asked the Board to approve the donation policy, FY20 Line item budget, and the Superintendent Goals. There was a closed session following the meeting to discuss property.


Public Health Flu Shot Clinic:

Public Health will be holding a Flu Shot clinic Wednesday, October 30 at Grinnell High School in the Media Center. A consent form will need to be signed to receive a flu vaccine.  Consent forms can be found in the High School office, the school nurse can email a form to you (kim.weber@grinnell-k12.org), or forms will be available at the flu vaccine clinic. Please remember to bring your insurance card, or payment can be made directly to public health at the time of the clinic; the school will not collect funds.


Thank you!!

They say it takes a village…and our village is amazing! The TIGER TAMING! crew did an incredible job providing haircuts to our pK-12 students on October 17. Thanks to our talented and remarkable local stylists and barbers, 34 students received free haircuts! A huge shout out and THANK YOU to those who helped make this event a success:

Connecting Grinnellians for sponsoring our event

GHS Theater group for sharing their space with us

G-N CSD staff for helping to spread the word and supporting us

Jen Storbeck and Madison Brooks from 1 st Impressions:

Jen StorbeckHair stylistsTiger tamingbarbers


Bailey Park Elementary

Bailey Park welcomed Bailey the Therapy Dog this week! Mrs. Grewe and Ms. York had students in each class meet Bailey and discussed the rules for Bailey while she is at school. An addition to our Tiger Store was students reading to Bailey and this has already become a popular choice among students! Bailey has already proven to be a great addition to Bailey Park and our students are excited to check on her throughout the day. 

Bailey at Bailey ParkMeeting Bailey


Fairview Elementary

Preschool has been excited to go on field trips in the past week to celebrate our learning of life cycles, especially those of apples and pumpkins. An enormous thank you to Connected PTO to sponsor our trips and cover the admission fees. We have incorporated new vocabulary that includes: pollinate, orchard, harvest, blossom, crops.


On October 17th , the three year old classes visited Uncle Bill’s Farm in Grinnell. While at the farm, students listened and watched an educational presentation about the life cycle of a pumpkin, which tied directly into our science learning objective of how living things grow and change. Students took a hay ride to the pumpkin patch and were able to harvest their own pie pumpkin. Everyone was able to explore activities such as the jumping pillow, the corn pool, and visit the animals, etc.

PK pumpkin tripfield trip fun


The four year old preschool students took an all day field trip on Monday the 21 st to Center Grove Orchard. While at the orchard, we learned more about Iowa agriculture and crops that farmers raise. Key concepts that tie into our learning include: vocabulary, science concepts of demonstrating knowledge of living things and knowledge of the Earth’s environment, and social studies learning objectives of understanding of people and how they live. Students were able to tour the farm and observe the different crops of corn, soybeans, apples, and pumpkins on a hayride.Students used their five senses and scientific inquiry skills while tasting different types of apples. Each student brought 3 apples home to share with their families.

Center Groveapple tasting


Davis Elementary

Sonora Grange is a service organization around Grinnell Area.  Each year, this service organization provides third grade students in the Grinnell-Newburg School district with their own individual dictionary to use. This year the Elks Lodge as well as Hy-Vee donated to help provide these students with dictionaries. Our students are lucky to have community organizations that invest each year in providing our students with resources to help them succeed. Below are some pictures displaying this.

DonationsSonora Grange donation


Middle School

There are many great opportunities for students to get connected at GMS! See the list a clubs offered at GMS and find who you can be!


Art Club

Art Club


Nature Club

Nature Club


High School

The Grinnell High School Theatre Department is proud to present their fall production of "The Misanthrope."  What happens to the "misanthrope" who hates mankind for its hypocrisy, deceit, and false flattery? Should all people be completely frank and honest with each other?  Opening Thursday, October 31st and running through Saturday, November 2nd, the production begins at 7:30 PM. Tickets are available at the ticket booth outside the Auditorium. 



GHS Cross Country - State Appearances (Again!) 

Congrats to the Boys & Girls Cross Country Teams last night as each punched their respective tickets to the state Cross Country Meet!  This is the 13th consecutive year GHS will be represented at the State Meet - that means Coach Edsen & Coach Faulkner have been taking kids to Fort Dodge since Coach Skillern was 11! Again, congrats to both teams! 

State Track 2019Boys state track 2019


Upcoming Events:


Friday, October 25

4:45 9th Grade Football @ Home

7:00 Varsity Football @ Home


Saturday, October 26

8:00 All State Music Auditions @ Washington HS

7:00 Corn Cob Karaoke


Wednesday, October 30

8:00 Iowa State Honor Choir Auditions @ GHS

6:00 Ad Hoc Committee Meeting


November 6

No school activities, practices, or homework - UnPlugged Night! 


Have a great weekend! Go Tigers!



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