REDI Committee
The mission of REDI Reimagine Equity Diversity Inclusion in Grinnell is to create equality and inclusion, develop an understanding of diversity, and nurture a sense of belonging within our schools and community.
REDI’s vision is to inform activism, institutional, and personal change, for better education, culture, and community.
REDI Grinnell was constructed with the common goal, to create a more equitable and inclusive community. In doing so, this will create an educational environment in our schools that is actively anti-racist and more inclusive of all histories and backgrounds.
We are REDI to listen. We are REDI to take action. We are REDI to be held accountable. We are REDI to make a sustainable plan for long-term success. We are REDI to heal.
We have established six committees within REDI with representation from teachers, students, and community members. Each committee has short term and long-term goals they are implementing to foster change within our district and community.
The Curriculum committee will create or enhance units of study PreK-12 to reimagine diversity in Grinnell. They will review current activities to see how they align within our schools.
Committee Facilitators: Todd Crites, Kent Mick, Chelsey Koplin, Gina Beck, Brian Conway, Caleb Elfenbein.
Collaborating with the Community Partnership Committee to create opportunities for our staff, families, and businesses will be the role of the Training Committee. They will work and coordinate with outside consultants to examine needs for training within the District.
Facilitators: Sarah Seney, Jennifer Jackson, Kesho Scott. Student Representative: Matayas Durr.
Social Engagement
The Social Engagement committee will provide parents and families with opportunities for restorative activities within our schools and our community.
Facilitators: Josh Smith and Kesho Scott. Student Representative: Cole McGriff.
Community Partnerships
Our impact must extend beyond the school grounds and into the community in order to make Grinnell a home to all. Our goal is to engage with our community partners to reimagine diversity within community events and organizations.
Facilitators: Rachael Kinnick (Chamber of Commerce), Amy Miller (school social worker). Student Representatives: Lauren Thompson, Davis Hamilton.
This committee will collaborate with the Policy Committee of the Board of Directors and Dr. Janet Stutz to review current behavioral conduct policies and examine any new policies that may be required by the legislature.
Facilitators: Grinnell-Newburg CSD - Board of Directors
Each of us play an important role in creating and telling the REDI story. This committee will provide information to our families and community regarding the efforts from all of our members.
Facilitator: Dr. Janet M. Stutz
Interested in making change and getting involved?