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Grinnell-Newburg CSD


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Weekly Update January 13, 2017

Weekly Update January 13, 2017
Dear Grinnell Board of Education, Staff, Family and Friends:
This is just a reminder that with the weather outlook ahead for this weekend you should stay tuned to information that may lead to a school closing or delay.  Here are several ways to stay informed about either a delayed start or school closing:
  • An emergency voice reach will be sent to parents, staff and community outreach contacts.   
  • Information will be posted on our website at http://www.grinnell-k12.org
  • The following local media will also announce school closings or late starts:
    • KGRN 1410 am radio
    • KBOE 104.9 am, 740 am, and 99.5 fm radio
    • KCOB  95.9 am, 1280 am, and Energy 106.7 fm
    • Z102.9  1600 am, 102.9 fm,  106.3 fm, and  107.5 fm
    • KCCI-Channel 8
    • WHO-Channel 13
    • WOI-Channel 5
Facility Audits:
Estes Construction completed the final "walkthroughs" at the elementary schools.  Please know Estes will be available at the January 25th Board meeting to share their findings with the Board of Education regarding the facility audit.  I envision that we will first discuss the audit, and at a later meeting the administration will come back with options for consideration based upon feedback from the audit. This is a process that will take time.   
Upcoming Board Meeting:
We will begin on January 18th with a finance meeting beginning at 5:00 p.m. in the administration office.  The Board meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the board room.   A few items on the agenda may need clarification.  You will find two agreements, the Lied Center (Bremwood) Consortium Agreement,and the Children’s Square and Heartland Family Service Consortium agreement.  These agreements are routine items in which we will ask the Board to approve.  We currently do not have students who attend these services, however, we would like to keep our options open in the event that a student may need access to these services.   Yearly agreements do not cost the district any money unless we access these services for students.   
Policy: class size guidelines
In order for the district to effectively plan moving forward, I am asking the board to consider a class size guideline policy that will enable the administration to plan in the future.   I look forward to our discussion.
Policy 600’s:
We will ask the board to review the first reading of the 600 series of Board Policy, with a few exemptions that need further discussion.   
I will discuss, with the board, Staffing recommendations for consideration.  We will share our current 2016-17 staffing numbers and discuss the recommended 2017-18 staffing numbers for the entire district.  It is important to know that moving forward we are looking at some shuffling of positions, without cutting programming, in order to meet our goals and decrease the deficit. 
Principal Update:
We will be interviewing candidates on Tuesday, January 17th to fill the Bailey Park Principal’s position.  Please know that we have representatives from Bailey Park, administrators and myself interviewing 4 candidates.   We will keep you posted.
Please feel free to contact me if you have further questions or concerns.  
Enjoy your weekend.  Stay warm...
Janet M. Stutz
Grinnell-Newburg Schools
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