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Grinnell-Newburg CSD


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Weekly Update: November 17, 2017

Superintendent Dr. Janet Stutz
Weekly Update: November 17, 2017
Dear Board of Education, Staff, Families, and Friends:
Happy Friday!  It is hard to imagine that the second trimester is in full swing and Thanksgiving is next week.  Yes, next week!  I would like to wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving break.  I hope that all of you have a wonderful time with family and friends.  Remember that we are not in session next Wednesday-Friday.
This past week we recognized all educators during National Education Week 2017.  I want to thank our teachers and staff for all of your hard work and dedication toward our students and families.  Thank you for what you do!   You are greatly appreciated.  
Board Meeting:
This past week the Board of Education listened to the final presentation from CMBA regarding the facility plan.  (CMBA Architects Presentation) The Board voted to move forward with the process to go to a bond referendum after listening to the plan.  Based upon this the plan, the Board also approved for me to begin the process to sell the 11th avenue property as it does not fit into the proposed plan.  Please know, after thorough assessments of the properties, the 11th avenue site does not provide enough space to build a school.  Further information will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.  The Bond vote is scheduled for February 6, 2018.
Steering Committee Meeting
The Steering Committee met this past week to discuss the final facility plan and recommendations to the Board of Education.  I am grateful to all of the members of the steering committee for volunteering their time and providing feedback on the facility concepts.  Thank you steering committee!
Fire Safety Video
Fire safety video made by students in Mrs. Gohlmann's 1st grade class.  The students did the filming and planning themselves!  
Author Visits
We had the privilege of having an author visit our elementary and middle schools this week.  Michael Patrick O'Neill is an author and award-winning photographer of seven educational books about ocean life. He has a passion for marine animals and habitats, and we were very excited to have him share his experiences with our students.
A visit from an author!

Annual Conference Vocal Festival
The GHS Concert Choir participated in this even, designed as a way for conference students to interact in a non-competitive way.
Annual Conference Vocal Festival
Annual Conference Vocal Festival

Veteran’s Day Celebration at GMS
The Middle School held a fantastic Veteran’s Day Celebration last Friday.  Thank you to all of our Veterans for participating in last weeks celebrations.  We thank you for your service.
Veteran’s Day Celebration at GMS
Veteran’s Day Celebration at GMS
Veteran’s Day Celebration at GMS
Veteran’s Day Celebration at GMS
Veteran’s Day Celebration at GMS
Veteran’s Day Celebration at GMS
Veteran’s Day Celebration at GMS
Veteran’s Day Celebration at GMS
Have a wonderful weekend!
Dr. Janet M. Stutz
Grinnell-Newburg Schools
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