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Grinnell-Newburg CSD


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Weekly Update: January 17, 2020

Dr. Stutz
Weekly Update: January 17, 2020
Dear Grinnell-Newburg Board of Education, Staff, Families and Friends, 


Happy Snow Day! It is on its way! 

The news of the day is that, “everyone is talking about the weather.” The snow, ice, wind predictions and travel has everyone wondering about what this next storm system will bring.   Keeping an eye on the radar and reports can be quite daunting, however, we want to ensure that we error on the side of precaution when it comes to a winter storm event in Iowa. I want to thank all of you for your patience as we work through making these decisions.  

Just a reminder:
No School Monday in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
What to do on a snow day:

Here are some ideas: Read that book that you have been wanting to get to, dig out the old board games, do a family round robin read, paint, draw, write a poem about the weather, catch up on that homework, listen to music, count the snowflakes, make snowflakes, get out the baking utensils, enjoy and relax! Whatever you decide to do today, be safe! 

5-2-1-0 January Feature: Drink More Water!  

Congratulations to our staff members who have signed up for the healthy challenge over the next several weeks! Here is your first tip! Drink More Water!  Take a look at 5210 website and find out how you can live a healthier lifestyle!

5210 poster


Find more information at the 5-2-1-0 Website

Boys Swimming Senior Night:

Time seems to fly!  Literally- as I watched the 100 fly event this past week at our Boys swim meet. Congratulations to our Seniors!  

Varsity Boys Swimmers seniorsBrownell FamilySenior Night

Varsity Senior NightSwimming Boys Senior Night2020 Senior NightSenior Simming NightBoys Varsity Swimming2020 Varsity Swimming


Calendar 2020-2021:

You can review the calendar 2020-2021Calendar  here, or below. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to use the email below to ask questions or provide feedback. We will ask the board to approve this calendar at the next meeting. I want to thank the calendar committee for their hard work and dedication in putting this together for our board to approve.    

20-21 Calendar

Please email calendarfeedback@grinnell-k12.org


Board Agenda:

The Grinnell-Newburg Board will be hosting their meeting on January 22 at 6:00 in the Boardroom.  We will ask for recommendations to approve the calendar, and the CultureAll agreement. Davis Elementary Principal Brian Conway, will be sharing highlights about Davis.  We have started to gather estimate information for summer project work and equipment replacement needs. The agenda is rather short this month. It typically is rather quiet at the end of January for Board business. It will however pick up soon!     

Wrestling Highlights:

Coach Chad Beck earns his 300th career win, January 14th, against Tama. Chad was recognized for this career milestone at the Tiger's home dual, Thursday, January 16th. Please join us to cheer on the Tigers and congratulate Coach Beck. Go Tigers! 

300th Win Coach BeckWrestling Team 2020Coach Beck


Above & Beyond Recognitions:

With all the important work going on in our schools and throughout the community we want to continue to recognize those who have gone above and beyond the call of duty.  Each month we recognize a student, staff member and community member who has been nominated for recognition. If you would like to nominate a community member, a staff member or student who has gone above and beyond for the families and students of Grinnell-Newburg School District, please send your nomination submission to the Above & Beyond Committee at aboveandbeyond@grinnell-k12.org.


Substitutes Wanted:

We are in need of substitute teachers! If you are interested in working with our students, hold a bachelor's degree, and are looking for a new adventure, then come join the Tiger Sub Team!   Please contact Judy Smith at judy.smith@grinnell-k12.org for more information! 

There are new items up on the Virtual Backpack, don’t forget to take a look!


Upcoming Events:  At this time of the weekly update being sent out to families, we have not confirmed some of Saturdays events.   Please watch for a message from you coach or sponsor.  


Friday, January 17

8:00 State Debate @ DMACC - CANCELLED

4:45 JV Boys & Girls Basketball @ Pella CANCELLED

6:00 9th Grade Boys Basketball @ Pella CANCELLED

6:15 Varsity Girls Basketball @ PellaCANCELLED

7:45 Varsity Boys Basketball @ PellaCANCELLED


Saturday, January 18

8:00 State Debate @ DMACC - CANCELLED

9:00 Scholarship Workshop @ GHS Media Center CANCELLED

10:00 Varsity Boys Swimming Invitational Meet @ Southeast Polk

10:00 Varsity Invitational Wrestling Meet @ Marion


Tuesday, January 21

4:30 8th Grade Boys Basketball @ Pella

4:30 7th Grade Boys Basketball @ Home

5:30 Varsity Boys Swimming Meet @ Ottumwa

6:15 JV Girls Basketball @ Fairfield

7:45 Varsity Girls Basketball @ Fairfield


Wednesday, January 22

6:00 Board Meeting @ GHS


Thursday, January 23

5:15 Varsity Boys Swimming @ Indianola

6:30 JV/Varsity Wrestling Meet @ Home


Have a safe weekend!   



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