Weekly Update: August 11, 2017
Weekly Update: August 11, 2017
Dear Board of Education, Grinnell-Newburg Staff and Friends:
The final week of preparation is upon us. Staff are busy making the final touches to prepare for opening day. I have seen many teachers working collaboratively to prepare for our students on August 24, 2017. As summer comes to a close, I hope you all take the time to enjoy some family time, summer evening walks, and relaxing before the start of the school year. This weekly update has some important information for everyone. If you have any questions, please contact your building principal.
Transportation Information: All Parents - PLEASE READ
We have discovered problems with the Transportation detail on the Online Registration Application. The information parents are entering is not transferring into the system correctly, causing significant complications with the busing schedules. We apologize to any parents who have already submitted their transportation needs on the Online Registration Application.
We are asking all parents to fill out a separate form, found here, to submit your transportation needs. Please know that it is imperative that EVERY parent fill this out, in order for us to plan accordingly for our bus routes. We ask that parents submit this form as soon as possible.
Lunch Prices:
Please know there was an error in the posted lunch prices in the back-to-school newsletter. Lunches for K-4th grade students will be $3.05, and lunches for 5-12th grade students will be $3.20. These are the same prices as last year for regular lunch. All meal prices can be found on the website here.
New Start and End Times:
For planning purposes, please note the changes to school schedules from years past. School start times at elementary and middle school buildings will be 8:00 a.m. School end times at all buildings will be 3:15 p.m. **The High School will begin the first day of school at 8:00 a.m. for all students, and then resume their regular 7:45 start time for E2 for the rest of the year.
Quick Reference
Elementary Buildings: Start at 8:00 a.m., end at 3:15 p.m
Middle School Building: Start at 8:00 a.m., end at 3:15 p.m
High School first day for ALL students: Start at 8:00 a.m., end at 3:15 p.m.
High School after the first day: Start at 7:45 for E2, end at 3:15
Student Schedules:
Student Schedules will be made available on August 15th.
Open House & Orientations:
There are orientations on Monday, August 21st: Middle School New Student orientation will be from 4:30-5:15 pm, and 7th & 8th grade orientation will be from 5:30-6:30 pm. On Tuesday, August 22nd: High School 9th grade orientation will be from 6:00-8:00 pm, 5th grade orientation will be from 5:30-6:30 pm, and Open House for Bailey Park, Fairview and Davis will be from 4:00-6:00 pm. On Wednesday, August 23rd: 6th grade orientation will be from 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Quick Reference - Mark Your Calendar!
August 15 - GHS New Student Orientation
August 21 - GMS New Student Orientation and 7th & 8th Grade Orientations
August 22 - Open House for Bailey Park, Fairview, Davis, and 5th & 9th Grade Orientations
August 23 - 6th Grade Orientation
I am in the process of creating an FAQ for parents regarding TAG services. The good news is that both of our primary buildings have identified a staff member who will be getting the TAG endorsement. We are very excited about the opportunity to build capacity in our program. Gina Beck will be serving students in grades 3-6, and students in 7th and 8th grade will be served through LA, Math and WIN time. We are still searching for a possible staff member to participate in the endorsement program. The high school students will have the opportunity to take AP courses and or qualify for college coursework. I will be sending the details this Monday afternoon that will provide a little more specific information for our parents. I want to thank our parents for your support as we continue to find ways to enhance our TAG program. This opportunity to build capacity at each building will enable us to provide services and support more frequently.
Have you completed your Parent Registration yet?
The first day of school is fast approaching. If you have not submitted your online registration application yet, please hop on your Parent Portal to submit your application. Our staff is continuing to process the incoming applications- a huge thank you to all those who have submitted already!
Important Upcoming Dates:
August 15 - GHS New Student Orientation
August 21 - GMS New Student Orientation and 7th & 8th Grade Orientations
August 22 - Open House for Bailey Park, Fairview, Davis, and 5th & 9th Grade Orientations
August 23 - 6th Grade Orientation
August 24 - First Day of School
August 30 - Classroom Learning Environment Session - please join us for one of these events!
September 1 - Preschool Open House
September 5 - First Day of Preschool
September 6 - Classroom Learning Environment Session - please join us for one of these events!
First Day of School August 24, 2017!
I look forward to welcoming our students back to school! Once again, I will be riding a school bus with students as they are dropped off at school! It is an exciting day.
Grinnell FFA Champion!
Congratulations to Grinnell FFA member Beula Lee on her Champion Market Broilers at the 2017 Iowa State Fair! I hope that our Iowa State fair participants keep us posted on further champion wins!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Dr. Janet M. Stutz
Grinnell-Newburg Schools