Weekly Update: September 18, 2020
Weekly Update: September 18, 2020
Dear Grinnell Newburg Board of Education, Staff, Families and Friends:
Happy Friday! We are finalizing our second week of school. I want to thank our families for your patience as we navigated challenges with our Technology these past two weeks. We have upgraded our protective software system in iBoss, and with it brought challenges of links not loading and students having the inability to access materials via videos or other links. We have recently been provided a solution and believe that this will be resolved quickly.
Managing our new normal has been challenging for all of us. We continue to try to find the rhythm. Please understand that as we find an appropriate balance for all learners, that some things will not be perfect. Our staff is working very hard at trying to find the balance for students while navigating online learning and in class learning. Please know that we are doing everything we can to support our students. I ask that our online families keep to your online schedule that has been outlined for you by your teacher or principal. Teachers will not be able to provide one to one online lessons, and work through a regular class schedule. I am also asking that we do our best to ensure that any questions or emails are sent prior to 4:00 PM. I recently learned that our teachers are attempting to problem solve issues into the late hours each evening. Our staff is amazing and want to help all families, however I need to ensure that they have a break in the evening with their own family. We also know our staff will not be able to keep up this pace and be ready for the morning. Please provide some grace for our teachers and understand that they may not be able to respond until the next day. It is important for all of us to find life balance during these challenging times. Thank you for your help in keeping our staff healthy!
Tips to assist parents online:
Restart your computer or your internet if you are having trouble with logging on or accessing materials.
If you are having trouble be sure to email the techhelp line:(tech@grinnell-k12.org)
Have your student read through all of the directions of the assignment and try to problem solve before automatically emailing their teacher.
Please email questions during regular school hours.
Be sure to follow the schedule that has been posted for your student. Our staff may not be able to re-zoom with your student later in the day due to class schedules.
These first two weeks have been focusing on routines, safety protocols and getting back into learning.
Identify a space or area for your student to work at home. Keep a routine and schedule.
Reduce distractions at home
Take brain breaks and a digital recess
Learning does not always have to be on the computer
Ensure that students are actively learning each day and check on their lessons provided
Encourage self direction
Monitor computer use
We are all in this together!
Give grace and recognize this is all new for all of us!
Have fun!
COVID Dashboard:
The district has put together a COVID dashboard for our community that indicates the number of students and staff in the district who have tested positive or are quarantining due to exposure outside of school. It can be found here:COVID Data Dashboard for GNCSD
Q: My student has been exposed to a close contact of a COVID-19 positive case. What do I need to do?
If the contact occurred sometime other than school, please notify your child’s school. They will refer you to speak with the school nurse.
Your student should quarantine at home for the amount of time as indicated by Public Health, a minimum of 14 days, and you should monitor their health daily.
If possible, keep your student away from others in your home; especially people who are at higher-risk for getting very sick from COVID-19.
Contact your family physician with any questions or concerns.
Check your student’s temperature twice per day and watch for symptoms of COVID-19:
o Fever of 100.4F or greater
o New onset of cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing
o Fatigue, or muscle or body aches
o Headache
o New loss of taste or smell
o Sore throat, congestion, or runny nose
o Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
Q: What if my child develops symptoms during their 14-day quarantine?
1.Call your healthcare provider right away.
2.Call your school. Your return date may change.
Q: How long should I keep my child home?
Keep your student at home for 14 days after last exposure.
Exposure date is “day zero”.
Your student can return to school on “day 15”; this return date may change if your student develops symptoms. The school district will work in conjunction with public health and notify you of a date that your child can return to school.
Q: Do I need to get my child tested?
Even if your student has no symptoms, they may carry the virus that causes COVID-19 and pass it to others. Consider getting your child, or others in your household tested.
Wait at least 48 hours after the last exposure to a COVID-19 positive person to get your child tested.
Q: My child was sent home to quarantine from school. They were tested and it was negative, can they come back to school?
Regardless of the test result, your student has been exposed and still needs to remain quarantined for 14 days. Symptoms of COVID-19 can take 2-14 days to appear.
Q: One of my children has been quarantined, but has no symptoms. Can my other children go to school?
As long as siblings have not been in close contact with someone positive for COVID-19 and they remain with no symptoms, they can come to school.
Q: My child was exposed to someone who is positive for COVID-19 and has developed symptoms. Can their siblings still come to school if they do not have symptoms?
No. Household members should remain at home in quarantine for 14 days.
Q: My child has had no known exposure to a COVID-19 positive person, but has illness symptoms. What should we do?
Your child should be further assessed by your family doctor. Please contact your child’s doctor. Your student should be fever free for at least 24 hours before returning to school, or as recommended by your child’s physician.
Q: What is the difference between quarantine and isolation?
Isolation: Separates sick people with a contagious illness from people who are not sick. The isolation period for COVID-19 is a minimum of 10 days following the onset of symptoms and a positive COVID-19 test result.
Quarantine: Separates people who were exposed to a contagious illness to see if they become sick. The quarantine period for COVID-19 is 14 days. This begins the last day of exposure to a positive case. If symptoms develop, or the individual tests positive during the quarantine period, he/she will restart the clock for a 10 day isolation period.
Q: Can my child complete schoolwork if they are quarantined at home?
Yes. With absences related to COVID, the student is able to complete work at home if they feel well. If the student is unable to complete their work because they are not well enough, notify the school.
Q: What do we need to do for my child to complete schoolwork online (“virtual”)?
Your school principal and/or school counselor will work with your child’s teacher to set up schoolwork and assignments that can be accessed online. Your child’s teacher, principal, or school counselor can answer any questions or concerns you may have about this.
Resource contact list:
Dr. Janet Stutz, Superintendent: 641-236-2700 janet.stutz@grinnell-k12.org
Kevin Seney, Principal Grinnell High School: 641-236-2720 kevin.seney@grinnell-k12.org
Clay Harrold, Principal Grinnell Middle School: 641-236-2750 clay.harrold@grinnell-k12.org
Brian Conway, Principal Davis Elementary: 641-236-2790 brian.conway@grinnell-k12.org
Sarah Seney, Principal Fairview Elementary: 641-236-2780 sarah.seney@grinnell-k12.org
Josh Smith, Principal Bailey Park Elementary: 641-236-2770 josh.smith@grinnell-k12.org
School nurses:
Kim Weber, School Nurse for GHS, BP, & FV: 641-236-2726 kim.weber@grinnell-k12.org
Lisa Leris, School Nurse for GMS & Davis: 641-236-2751 lisa.leris@grinnell-k12.org
Unity Point Grinnell Regional Public Health: 641-236-2385
Don’t forget to check the Virtual Backpack!
Please remember that if you wish to provide information to our students or families regarding activities that you send them to the District Office via amber.robson@grinnell-k12.org for prior approval. Fliers will be posted on the virtual backpack and will not be sent home to students via backpacks. We highlight activities that are posted here each week.
Upcoming Events:
The lights are up and working in our Stadium! Please be sure that if you are attending the game this evening that you wear a mask. We have limited seats that have been sold to keep the attendance numbers down to enable social distancing. There are a limited number of tickets available at the gate for tonight's game. All elementary students must sit with their family. High School students will be seated in the end zone and must wear a mask at all times. You can Watch the game via live stream from our FB page link.
Go Tigers!
Sept. 21st- Monday |
7th Grade Vball vs Oskaloosa 4:30 |
8th Grade Vball @ Oskaloosa 4:30 |
JV Football @ Oskaloosa 6PM |
Sept. 22nd- Tuesday |
MS/HS XC @ Newton 4PM |
8th Football vs Oskaloosa 4:30 |
7th Football @ Oskaloosa 4:30 |
7th Vball @ E Marshall 4:30 |
8th VBall vs E Marshall 4:30 |
9/JV/V Vball vs Indy 5:30 |
Sept. 24th- Thursday |
8th Vball vs Knoxville 4:30 |
7th Vball @ Knoxville 4:30 |
Sept. 25th- Friday |
9/V Football @ Benton 5:00 |
Sept. 26th- Sat |
JV Vball @ STC 9AM |
V Vball @ N Tama 9AM |
Have a great weekend!