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Grinnell-Newburg CSD


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Weekly Update: April 24, 2020

Dr. Stutz

Weekly Update: April 24, 2020


Dear Grinnell-Newburg Board of Education, Staff, Families and Friends:


Happy Friday! The days are getting warmer and the sun is shining bright! I hope that you are enjoying opportunities to enjoy the outdoors!  


This week we have been very busy examining how students are progressing through the education plan, planning for summer, and planning with the Board about options to celebrate our seniors.  


Seniors and Guardians:  Important Survey coming to you today!  Please watch for this email from Dr. Janet Stutz. It was sent this morning. 


This morning we sent out a survey to all of our seniors and their guardians via email to seek feedback about graduation. Each senior and guardian should take the survey by April 30th.  This will enable the High School to plan this memorable celebration. Please know that each day we learn more about COVID-19’s effect on our community and this has made it challenging to plan. Thank you for your patience as we navigate on selecting dates to celebrate our seniors. We appreciate your guidance and input on this survey. This information will be shared with the Board at the May 13, 2020 Board meeting for a decision and discussion on when the awards and ceremony will be held.  


Summer School Expansion:  Parents we need your input!!!!

We are looking for students who may want to participate in  summer school learning opportunities that may be a little different than what you are experiencing now! Two week sessions may be offered, various fun activities and resources to keep your skills tuned up over the summer months. Please complete this survey as soon as possible. This will be a free program for students.  


Summer School SLICK: 

Staff will be reaching out to those students who have signed up for summer SLICK. This program will be delivered virtually at a minimum through June 30, 2020. At this time July may be either on site or virtual depending upon guidance from the Governor’s office. Our Teachers and AmeriCorp team are ready to be creative to have some summer fun in a non traditional way. Please watch for further information regarding SLICK.


Community out-reach is incredible:

I want to thank many parents, community members, the City of Grinnell, staff and families for their efforts to assist others during this time of need. The outpouring of assistance has been overwhelming. What an amazing community! There is an effort at this time led by Gina Beck who is working in collaboration with the City of Grinnell, Grinnell College, Grinnell High School Staff, Total Choice, Chamber of Commerce, and others to have our seniors celebrated in town with the hanging of banners. Please watch for further information regarding this effort in the days to come.  We will have a link for families to sponsor our seniors to assist in paying for the banners. 


WiFi update: 

Thank you to GNSF for your assistance in raising money for hot spots for those families in need. Key Cooperative has opened up one of their sites for wifi access for Grinnell students and information regarding this was sent to families directly. 


Grinnell Food Coalition:

Distributed food vouchers last week during drive up and this week through a mailer.


Local Foods Connection for connecting our social workers with families who may be in need of further assistance.


Grinnell Lion’s Club for providing merchant discount cards to families so they can take advantage of the free pizza options and discounts through August. 


Meal Drive up service/Drop off at Home:  This will be available through June 30, 2020 


On Monday and Wednesday from 11:00-12:30 p.m. meals are handed out through a drive up service at Grinnell High School, west parking lot. Cooks have been contacting families to remind them that they can pick up these meals for children age 1-18. We also have meals that have been delivered to homes in which parents sign a release for our drivers to drop off these meals at their doorstep.   


Please contact Emergencymeals@grinnell-k12.org if you are in need of meals delivered.  You may also contact the district office between 8-4:00 pm at 641-236-2700. 


Lessons from home!   

Learning from homeHome learning



Have a wonderful weekend!





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