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Grinnell-Newburg CSD


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Weekly Update: April 8, 2022

Janet Stutz

Weekly Update: April 8, 2022


Dear Grinnell Board of Education, Staff, Families, and Friends:


Happy Friday! April is turning into a busy month as we continue to plan for summer projects, summer curriculum work and training, and summer school. I want to thank all of our administrators for gearing up for some summer fun!   


Our next board meeting will be held on April 13. We will share information about upcoming facility projects and needs for our schools in the area of furniture and equipment. We will ask the board to officially approve the math curriculum materials on public display these last few weeks at the district office. If you still would like to view the new material, please feel free to stop by the district office to take a look. The board will also approve the travel for the Debate team and FFA National Convention for this coming October.   


We look forward to our middle school and director of special programs presentations next Wednesday to the board. There will be the first read of a few policies to prepare for teacher hires and the first read of the 200 policy series.  

Academic coach week:

This week we celebrate our paraprofessional academic coaches who assist our students daily.   Please be sure to thank them for all they do to support students in and outside of the classroom!   We were able to capture a few of them in action below!

Middle School academic coachAcademic coach week

Fairview acadmic coaches


End-of-year celebration (2022) for the Grinnell-Newburg Mentoring and Induction Program - Journey to Distinguished

Thank you, Heidi Durbin, for leading and organizing the mentoring program for the Grinnell-Newburg School District!   Another successful program year for our new teachers!  



Second-year teachers Misa Hamanaka, Hayleigh Kincart, Sarah Shull, Katie Staff, Jolissa Cooling, Paige Smith, and Ashtyn Vandersnick, (not pictured, Brenna Vogel) have successfully completed their two-year mentoring program and were celebrated Wednesday. 


Food was provided by Ms. Skouson's GHS Culinary Students. Guest Speaker was Sally Kriegel. 


Mentor/Mentee group

Beginning educators and mentors:

Pictured from the left-back row: Trent Edsen/mentor, Misa Hamanaka, Hayleigh Kincart, Sarah Shull, Katie Staff, Jolissa Cooling, Paige Smith, and Hannah Klaver/mentor.

Front row from left: Jill Hulsing/mentor, Carly Sis/mentor, Jan Phifer/mentor, Ashtyn Vandersnick, and Paula Rudolph/mentor. (Jill Hollingsworth/mentor not pictured.)


Spring Sports! Game On!  

This early April, the weather has been a little chilly for some of our outdoor activities. However, that does not stop our Tiger athletes from some early victories!   

Soccer 2022Boys Tennis

  Tennis 2022


Have a great weekend!   Be sure to check out the virtual backpack for upcoming events.   





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