Weekly Update: May 26th, 2023
Weekly Update: May 26th, 2023
Dear Grinnell-Newburg Board of Education, Staff, Families, and Friends:
Happy Friday! Today we said goodbye to our students for summer break! What a beautiful day filled with smiles and such joy, but each of us who work at Grinnell-Newburg School District also feel a little ache in our hearts. We have grown over this school year with our students, made new friends, worked with new staff in some cases, and we are saying goodbye to staff who are seeking new adventures, opportunities, or moving closer to family. It is hard to move on and begin a new chapter in our lives. We wish everyone well! We look forward to a wonderful restful break and we will be ready to gear up for this Fall to welcome our families back to school.
This weekend we celebrate our seniors. Tomorrow night is the Honors and Awards Nights that begin at 7:00 PM. Sunday, the commencement ceremony will begin at 2:00. We wish our 2023 graduates all the best as they head off into many different directions filled with opportunities.
Happy Memorial Day! Monday,May 29, 2023 the offices and schools in the school district will be closed. Staff will return for May 30 and May 31 for PD and check out. Summer training begins June 1 for elementary staff to learn the new math curriculum. Many staff members will be working during the month of June on curriculum.
Summer Slick will begin on June 5 for students who are participating. Summer Slick will be held at Davis Elementary School.
Parade of Graduates!
The class of 2023 paraded through the schools to say goodbye to students. This clap out is always a special tradition here for our Tigers
Bailey Park lined halls to greet GHS graduates
Graduates welcomed by Davis Elementary
GHS grads circling at Davis
Graduate group shot outside of GMS
End of year FUN!
Elementary students take a trip to the zoo
Elementary students take a trip to the zoo
Clap off at Fairview on the last day
Two Davis students excitedly pet a bird.
Photos of the fish caught by two Davis students
Davis Elementary students learn about various birds.
Girls Varsity Soccer
Congratulations to our girls soccer team on a wonderful season!
Varsity Boys & Girls State Track Highlights
The boys varsity team faced adversity due to illness and injury, but nevertheless they persisted!
High Jump - Carson placed 14th
Evan earned 18th and Kellan 21st in the 200m
4x100 team earned 22nd
Spring medley came in at 16th
Jonas received 15th in the 800m
Oliver earned himself 24th for shot put
We had two varsity girls medal in an event!
Aiden received 8th place in the long jump and Hannah earned her 5th place medal in shot put.
Aiden and Hannah pose with their medals
Coaches and Aiden at state meet
Hannah and coach at state meet
Above and Beyond Recognitions
Bailey Park Staff recognized by a student's family.
Recognizing those involved with Grinnell Summer Programs
Senior Zoe accepts nomination for Senior Spotlights
Grinnell Summer Sports Camp Registration
Grinnell Summer Sports Camp will kick off June 5th at the Charles Benson Bear Recreation & Athletic Center ‘39 at Grinnell College. This camp is for ages 7 to 13.
For more information visit their website here.
Summer Food Service Program
Join us for a FREE breakfast and lunch throughout summer! This program will be held at the Davis Elementary Cafeteria and will begin June 5th.
For more information, see the flyer here.
2023 Iowa Medicaid Message
Families that are currently on Medicaid or eligible for Medicaid will be receiving renewal packets for the first time since the 2020 shutdown. These packets must be completed within 60 days of receiving them; otherwise, they may become ineligible. Please direct questions to DHS and watch for a mailing.
For more information, see the flier here.
23-24 School Registration
The 2023- 2024 Online Registration is now open. Every student needs to complete online registration each year. This ensures that all information in Infinite Campus is up to date, especially in case of an emergency.
For current families, please log in to your parent portal account, select the 2023-2024 year, and follow the prompts. If you are having issues logging into your account, please reach out to me at katie.osborn@grinnell.k12.org.
For New Families or students who are not currently enrolled in the district, click HERE.
Parents will want to select New Student Registration and then select 2023-2024. The first series of questions will ask for the parent's first name, last name, email, confirm email, enter the "I'm not a robot code," and a separate link will be sent to the email provided. That link is the Infinite Campus link and official registration. Parents will not need an activation code. If asked for one before starting, they selected the incorrect area and will need to select NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION.
The virtual Backpack can be found here:
The activities Calendar can be found here:
Have a wonderful weekend!