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Grinnell-Newburg CSD


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Weekly Update: November 3, 2017

Superintendent Dr. Janet Stutz
Weekly Update: November 3, 2017
Dear Grinnell-Newburg Families and Friends:
This week has been filled with many opportunities for our families and students to get connected.  I want to thank everyone for your participation in “Unplugged Night” this past week.  I have heard a tremendous amount of positive feedback regarding spending time “unplugged”.  
Another opportunity for families this weekend is to attend the Fall Play, "The Skin Of Our Teeth” by Thornton Wilder.  I hope to see you there this evening!
Parent Teacher Conferences:
Thank you to parents who came out for parent teacher conferences, and for investing in your student’s learning experience!
Today the District administration met with auditors to hear our annual review results.   Congratulations to our business department for yet again another year with excellent results.   I also want to thank our staff for your participation in following the regulated procedures to ensure that our audit results are superior.   Great Job!
Steering Committee:
The Steering Committee met on Monday to continue the discussions regarding facility concept plans to build a new Pre-K through 5 elementary facility, renovate the middle school to include a new entrance, fix the parent and bus drop off flow of traffic, and ensure that natural lighting and other configurations meet the needs of our students, and complete some high school renovations.  Over the last 15 months, the district has been engaged in a process that will be highlighted for our community in a newsletter.  We expect this letter to reach all of our community within the next few weeks.  Please know that at our next Board meeting on November 8, 2017 we will be sharing costs for the facility plan.  I expect that by November 15, 2017 a decision will be made to ask our community to vote for a bond referendum in the upcoming February election.  
Monday November 6 Professional Development Day:
This Monday staff will be participating with their building principals in professional development.  Pre-K-4 will be meeting together at Davis.  GMS and GHS will be meeting with their principals at their respective schools.  Staff will be spending time together working through our Marzano Level 1 or 2 through various instructional practices.  Your building principals have shared specific agendas with staff for Monday.  At 3:00 PM all staff should report to the GHS auditorium as I will be highlighting the process and facilities concepts.   
SAI Conference:
I was invited to the SAI executive leaders conference this week in which state superintendents gathered to learn from each other about innovative ideas for students.  We also learned about “Home Rule” legislation and what it means for our school districts.  Discussions also occurred regarding potential legislative discussions beginning next session. I will keep you updated as they are announced.
The Skin Of Our Teeth
If you didn’t make it last night, come out and enjoy our theatre department’s Fall Production of "The Skin Of Our Teeth”. Our students have been working very hard to bring this production to life.  The show starts at 7:30 PM in the GHS Auditorium. Tickets are $7 in advance and $9 at the door and are available in the GHS main office and at McNally’s.  I hope you will join me in supporting our students!
Students on stage in The Skin of Our Teeth
Please remember to check our district’s Virtual Backpack for activities and events!
Upcoming events: Please visit the Calendar page on our website for further details
November 2-4 - The Skin of Our Teeth
November 6 - No School, PD Day
November 7 - GHS Choir Concert with the 6th Grade
November 8 - Board of Education Meeting: CMBA will present facility concepts and costs
November 10 - GMS Veterans Day Program
November 14-15 - Author Michael Patrick O'Neill visiting K-8 students
November 15 - Board of Education Meeting
November 22-24 - Fall Break
Have a great weekend!
Dr. Janet M. Stutz
Grinnell-Newburg Schools
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