Weekly Update: May 20, 2022
Weekly Update: May 20, 2022
Dear Grinnell Board of Education, Staff, Families, and Friends:
Today we mark the last Friday with our students for the 2021-22 school year. Next week we will have a four-day week, with an early dismissal on Thursday, May 26 at 12:00 PM for elementary students and 12:15 PM for middle school and high school students.
Lunch Program:
Once again, our summer free lunch program will be housed out of Davis Elementary school.
Summer Feeding News Release
The Grinnell-Newburg Community School District is participating in the Summer Food Service Program. Meals will be provided to all children without charge and are the same for all children regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability, and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service. Meals will be provided at the sites and times as follows:
NO MEALS on JULY 4th, 2022
LUNCH: 11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Meals must be consumed in the cafeteria
*Adults may purchase a breakfast for $2.25 and a lunch for $3.95.
Lunch for 2022-23
At this time, we have been informed that lunches for next year will not be free for all students. I will keep you updated if this changes. It is essential that any family who will need free or reduced lunch access complete the Fee Waiver form upon returning to school this fall. The free/reduced waiver will be available to complete after July 1, 2022.
End of the year assembly for staff:
We will host our end-of-the-year celebration to honor our retirees and years of service beginning at 1:30 at the GHS Auditorium. We look forward to seeing all of our staff together!
Teachers' official last day will be on Friday, May 27, yet many will be planning for next year!
There are many planned summer professional development activities, summer school, reading training, and curriculum design work that will be happening during the summer. Please check with your building principal on the number of hours allocated for this work. Thank you to all who will be participating this summer to ensure that we continue our efforts toward excellent instructional practices.
All-City Band Concert
The concert was spectacular! It was such a wonderful feeling to see all of our students performing together once again! This event also included the GHS percussion performance, which still brings me chills. Wow-what an excellent performance. Bravo to all of our band students and music staff for an outstanding performance!
Track State Qualifiers: Congratulations to our students who qualified, competed, or will compete! Way to go, Tigers!
State Qualifiers
Boys State Track Participants
400m: Josh Osborne-- Placed 13th
1600m: Jonas Conner
3200m: Jonas Conner -- Placed 23rd
SMR: Mahoney, Jaworski, Nagel, Osborne
4x100: Mahoney, Nagel, Jaworski, Osborne
Alt: Will Doty, Grace Kiphanzu
Discus: Aaron Campbell-- Placed 14th
Girls State Track Participants
Kylie Krumm- Shot Put
Hannah Kling- Shot Put
Kayla Sieck- 800M
State track will be May 19th-May 21st
We are wishing Calvin Jaworski all the best in the Tennis State Tournament competition this coming Tuesday!
Grinnell Volleyball Camp:
Grinnell Volleyball Camp is June 15-16th for 1st-12th graders. Visit this link to sign up:
Grinnell Youth Track & Field Camp
Future Tigers participated in youth track and field camp! We are looking forward to seeing you one day in that Tiger uniform!
Fine Arts Awards Night:
This is the time of year when we celebrate our student’s accomplishments, and there was plenty to go around this past Wednesday evening as students were honored! Congratulations to our students and their sponsors for all of the fantastic accomplishments over the year.
We, the Board of Directors of the Grinnell Historical Museum, would like to
offer an opportunity on Saturday, May 21, for you to tour the Museum from
9:00-11:00 AM. Children should be accompanied by an adult, and other family
members to come too. We offer this opportunity because you missed the usual
day at the museum in third grade due to COVID. It won’t be the usual activity-filled day, but you can view all of the artifacts in the museum….. including artwork made from human hair (it was a way of honoring deceased loved ones), old buggies, and carriages, artifacts from long ago businesses and schools. Did you know, for example, that Grinnell used to have a shoe factory where they made Perkies Shoes and a factory that made washing machines? And…… if your
family has lived in Grinnell for a long time, you might find an item or two donated by your grandmother or great-grandmother.
4th grade Day Camp at Davis:
I want to thank the 4th-grade students for affording me the opportunity
to participate in your camp-out day! Thank you to the Davis Elementary Staff, Parents, and Scout volunteers for planning an incredible day for students. All enjoyed a great time!
8th Grade Camp Out!
Here are a few highlights from this year’s campout! The fish were biting, lunch was cooking, and students were enjoying this traditional experience once again! It was a gorgeous day on Thursday!
Pete Drury, Career College Transition Counselor (CCTC) to Present to Board next Wednesday:
The CCTC position is a statewide initiative that encourages community colleges and local districts to create partnerships to provide additional counseling to students, families, and staff on their post-secondary plans. Pete has been working with our Grinnell Students and looks forward to continuing his efforts to assist students to make the transition. Here are a few photos of activities that he has assisted in organizing for our students.
GHS Bricklayer Event
Bayer GHS Plant Science Tour
Take a look at the Virtual Backpack!
Take a look at the virtual backpack! There are a lot of activities for your students this summer! Don’t miss out on Youth fishing camps, outdoor activities, Drake Library activities, summer theater, and more! There is something for everyone!
Have an amazing weekend!