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Weekly Update: May 18, 2018

Weekly Update: May 18, 2018

Dr. Janet Stutz
Weekly Update: May 18, 2018
Dear Grinnell-Newburg Family and Friends,
Happy Friday!  Today is the last day for our seniors!  We wish them well as they move on to the next chapter of life.  It has certainly been a pleasure getting to know our class of 2018.  They have accomplished quite a bit this year. As we say goodbye for now, we look forward to hearing about where life has taken them in the near future.  I wish them all the best! We are all very proud of them!
This is a very busy time of year for all of our staff, students, parents and guardians and administrators.  The hustle and bustle of the end of the year is in full motion. Please remember to take a moment and enjoy this time of year as the closing of the 2017-18 school year is upon us.  These last weeks can be some of the most memorable celebrations for everyone.
Admin Meeting
This week the administration team reviewed the plans for this summer related to building and grounds work, curriculum work, summer school and ESY.  This summer will be busy. Our summer school for elementary students will be held at Davis this year to coincide with the AmeriCorps program and the Hospital summer’s program.  Principals have sent information home to parents of students who will qualify for our summer SLICK program or ESY programs.
Middle School summer school will be held at GMS.  We will encourage all students to be dropped off and picked up and limit walking to the school.  Construction at the intersection in front of the middle school will begin the day after school is out.  Therefore, we want to ensure that students who may walk or ride a bike avoid the intersection as much as possible during construction.  We do know that the majority of the sidewalks will be in tact during the project.
Please contact your building administrator regarding any questions about summer learning programs.   
K-4 Science Review
This is a reminder that Bill Gruman will be meeting with coaches on 5/23 to share feedback about the PLTW Launch rollout and select Mystery Science units to fill in NGSS gaps.
GMS Play
“Lunchroom” was a smashing success this past week at GMS!  Congratulations to all who participated in this play!
All City Band Concert
It was another spectacular event this past Tuesday night to listen to our students perform at the All City Band Concert.   What a wonderful performance!
All City Band Concert
All City Band Concert

Lunch & Learn Meetings
I will complete the school visits in the coming week to discuss information and gather feedback regarding bond referendum scheduled for September 11, 2018.
I will be in the buildings at the following times:
Middle School - Monday the 21st from 11:15 to 12:45
Fairview Elementary - Wednesday the 23rd from 11:00 to 12:45
Bailey Park Elementary - Thursday the 24th from 11:15 to 12:45
High School - Friday the 25th from 11:30 to 1:00
Snapshot of upcoming events: Visit the Calendar on our website for further details
May 23 - Fine Arts Awards Night
May 26 - Honors Night
May 27 - Commencement
May 28 - No School, Memorial Day
June 1 - Last Day of School
Don’t forget to visit the Virtual Backpack for new events!    
Have a great weekend, and Happy Mothers Day!
Dr. Janet M. Stutz
Grinnell-Newburg Schools

Weekly Events
Please view the events for the coming week as listed below for Grinnell High School & Middle School. If you find a discrepancy in this information; please contact Tracy Neighbors at (641) 236-2723 / tracy.neighbors@grinnell-k12.org or Chris Coffman at (641) 236-2695 / chris.coffman@grinnell-k12.org
Monday 5/21
Grinnell College Commencement 10am- (GHS band performs)
Girls Golf Regional 9am @ Oakland Acres
Boys Soccer 5:00 Substate vs Collins-Maxwell @ Bondurant HS - bus - 3:15pm
Softball 5:30 JV/V @ Williamsburg- bus - 3:45pm
Boys Tennis 5:00-6:30  Togetherness Night - HS Gym
Tuesday 5/22
9th Baseball 5:00 @ STC - bus - 3:30pm
Girls Soccer 5:30 vs Pella (Senior Night)
Baseball VDH 5:30 @ Albia - bus - 3:00pm
Wednesday 5/23
Retirement Celebration @ GMS
Fine Arts Awards Night 7:00 GHS Auditorium
Thursday 5/24
HS Pride Assembly 10am
Boys Golf State Meet @ Ft. Dodge
Girls Soccer Regional 6:00 vs Oskaloosa @ Oskaloosa -bus
Baseball JV/V 5:30 @ West Marshall - bus - 3:30pm
Friday 5/25
Davis/ MS Field Day 8am @ GHS track
Baseball JV/V 5:30 @ East Marshall - bus - 3:50pm
Saturday 5/26
Softball 9am @ Williamsburg Tournament - bus - 7:15am
Baseball 10am @ BGM Tournament - bus - 9:00am
Sunday 5/27
GHS Commencement 2pm
Use the following link to volunteer for events at GHS or GMS https://tinyurl.com/yahgscsk
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