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Grinnell-Newburg CSD


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Weekly Update: February 14, 2020

Weekly Update: February 14, 2020
Dear Grinnell-Newburg Board of Education, Staff, Families and Friends:

Happy Valentine’s Day!  I hope this update finds you well during this rough cold and flu season.   Speaking of cold….. BRRRRR it is cold outside. Please encourage your student to dress warmly during these patches of cold weather episodes. It looks like a slight warm up is on the way!  

Staff Feedback Form:

I want to thank all of our staff members who have already submitted the feedback form that was disseminated on February 4, 2020. Please take the time to complete this form! You will find it in your email.   I am gathering valuable information from you on these three questions: Would you like to receive information beyond the weekly update from the superintendent that would provide information just for district staff? What communication should I include in an update that is designed just for staff?  Is there anything else that I can do to support your role in the district? Great ideas keep coming through! I have roughly 50 responses but would like to hear from you! One item that keeps popping up is to host listening tours again with the Superintendent! We are on it!  Watch for the next listening tour for your building!   Another item we are examining is substitutes. I have been collecting data on the number of subs hired to fill absences and comparing this to the number of jobs filled. I will be sharing this with staff at our next listening tour session.

Board Update:

The Board took a "moment of remembrance" to honor Jodi Gallagher at this week’s meeting.   The Board also heard updates regarding the legislative advocacy events and bills that are currently in sub-committee. The Board approved the Robotics Team’s trip to Kansas and the sale of our old devices to Diamond Assets.


Above and Beyond:  Dee McKeever receives her recognition!  Way to Go Dee! Thank you for all that you do for our students!

Dee McKeever



Advocacy Day 2020: 

This past week I spent time at a mini-conference to learn about the upcoming bills coming out of subcommittees in both the House and the Senate, then headed to the Iowa State Capitol to meet with legislators and superintendents from across the state to talk about priorities for our students. 


It’s Valentine’s Day!  

Our third grade students celebrated Valentine’s Day by exchanging cards and placed them in very creative boxes!   I even had a chance to participate in one of their games today! It was a joyful afternoon. Thank you to all of our families, PTO, and staff for making today a memorable one! 

FlowersValentines Day boxParty at DavisValentines Day Party



Hoops for Hope Tonight!

Don’t Forget that this evening is the Hoops For Hope activity.  This event was re-scheduled from a few weeks ago! Hope to see you at the game to root for our Tigers! 

Tiger Wrestling-Sectional Results: Tiger Wrestlers dominate on the Mat!

Brock Beck-1st Place

Kamryn Steveson-1st Place

Eli Rose-2nd Place

Wyatt Hunter-2nd Place

1st and 2nd place finalists at sectionals advance to districts in Knoxville, this weekend.


Wrestling 2020Wrestling 2020

Preschool Family Event and Registration: March 1st from 3:00-5:00: Please Mark your calendar for the upcoming Preschool Event!  This is also a time when you can register your Kindergarten student for next year too!   

PK Event

Upcoming Events:

Friday, February 14

8:00 UNI Honor Band @ UNI

4:45 JV Boys & Girls Basketball @ GHS

6:00 9th Grade Boys Basketball @ GHS

6:15 Varsity Girls Basketball @ GHS

7:45 Varsity Boys Basketball @ GHS


Saturday, February 15

TBA Varsity Boys State Swimming Meet @ TBA

8:00 UNI Honor Band @ UNI

12:00 Varsity Wrestling District/Regional Meet @ Knoxville

2:00 Varsity Girls Basketball @ Indianola

3:30 Varsity Boys Basketball @ Indianola

7:00 Large Group Speech Showcase


Monday, February 17

3:30 Tiger Paw Clinic @ Bailey Park

5:30 Middle School Parent Meeting 8th Grade @ GMS mini theater


Tuesday, February 18

3:30 Tiger Paw Clinic @ Fairview

4:30 8th Grade Boys Basketball @ GMS

4:30 7th Grade Boys Basketball @ Pella

4:45 9th Grade Boys Basketball @ GHS

6:00 JV Boys Basketball @ GHS

7:30 Varsity Boys Basketball @ GHS


Thursday, February 20

3:30 Tiger Paw Clinic @ Davis

4:30 8th Grade Boys Basketball @ Newton

4:30 7th Grade Boys Basketball @ GMS

Have a Great Weekend! 
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