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Grinnell-Newburg CSD


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Janet Stutz

Weekly Update: August 7, 2020


Dear Grinnell-Newburg Board of Education, Staff, Families and Friends:


Happy Friday! In just a few weeks we will be welcoming our students back to school! We are looking forward to our students returning! Although it will be different than years past, it is important to know that we are ready to meet our students at school or online!   


As we enter into the 2020-21 school year, we will kick off our year “Better Together”. These past several months have been extremely challenging as we navigate to re-invent school and our theme fits the times. Our students have been out of school since March 13, 2020 due to COVID-19. Since that time many staff have been working tirelessly to ensure that we can provide a safe return to school. Students need to be in school. We miss them! We look forward to welcoming our students to school under guidance that will keep them safe as they return to learn. Yes although Face Masks, Face Shields, and plexiglass barriers will be the new norm to the classroom, teachers' warm and welcoming learning environments will not change. We have hired many new teachers this year that are excited and ready to greet our students and engage them in learning experiences that are fun and exciting. 


Start and release times for the first week of school:


Monday, August 24: 

Elementary start times will be 7:55 am and dismiss at 1:00 PM

Middle School will begin at 8:00 am and dismiss at 1:15 PM

High School Freshman only- will attend school from 8:25-3:00 PM


Tuesday, August 25:

Elementary start times will be 7:55 am and dismiss at 1:00 PM

Middle School will begin at 8:00 am and dismiss at 1:15 PM

High School all students on A schedule 8:25-3:00 PM


Wednesday, August 26:

Elementary start times will be 7:55 am and dismiss at 1:00 PM

Middle School will begin at 8:00 am and dismiss at 1:15 PM

High School all students on B schedule 8:25-3:00 PM


Thursday, August 27:

Elementary start times will be 7:55 am and dismiss at 2:30 PM

Middle School will begin at 8:00 am and dismiss at 2:45 PM

High School all students on A schedule 8:25-3:00 PM


Friday, August 28:

Elementary start times will be 7:55 am and dismiss at 2:30 PM 

Middle School will begin at 8:00 am and dismiss at 2:45 PM

High School all students on B schedule 8:25-3:00 PM


Beginning August 31 until further notice: 

Elementary start 7:55-2:30PM

Middle School start 8:00-2:45

High School 8:25-3:00 rotating on an A/B schedule


Register for Bus Transportation: 

Don’t forget to register your student to ride the bus if needed at this link here. We are encouraging families that can drop off and pick up their students to do so. This will assist us to limit the spread of the virus. Registration needs to be completed by August 18, 2020. 


Find more information from Dr. Stutz about the transportation plan here. This will be shared with the Board of Education on Wednesday at our meeting. 


Fall Activities Guidance: 

We have received guidance from IAHSSA and from the IGHSAU for fall sports. We will be following this guidance as well as monitoring the current COVID-19 trend data as outlined by the Department of Education. We are currently finalizing an FAQ for our families and spectators.  Please know that it is the expectation that spectators wear masks to our events. Concession stands may be opening depending upon the trend rate of COVID-19 in our Community. We may also have to limit spectators in the event that percentages of the virus increase based upon the IDPH guidelines. Coaches will be communicating with families and athletes for fall sport activities. There will be strict guidelines and protocols for athletes and coaches. I want to thank all of our coaches, activity director, administrators, IDPH, and local physicians who have assisted us in planning not only for the opening of school, but also for athletics and other activities. 


Marching Band:

Band will continue in small ensemble groups. It is important to know that although marching band may be deferred as a part of the band program, it does not mean that band is not happening. Our band program is amazing and music will be heard through the hallways of Grinnell! The guidelines have been provided from the Iowa High School Music Association (IHSMA) and the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS).   Remember we have roughly 100 band students. At this time it is not possible to keep students safe for the entire group to learn a piece of music together, prior to heading out to learn how to march to it. So the band will look different. The decision that was made was to not start our marching band at this time. It does not mean that it will never happen later in the year.    


I hope you enjoy a wonderful weekend!






Dr. Janet M. Stutz
Grinnell-Newburg School District
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