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Grinnell-Newburg CSD


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Weekly Update: February 19, 2021

Janet Stutz

Weekly Update: February 19, 2021

Dear Grinnell-Newburg Board of Education, Staff, Families, and Friends:

I hope that this email finds you well! Happy Friday! It is hard to believe that February is coming to a close shortly. In just less than a month, we will be entering our third trimester for students. On March 15, 2021, we will be bringing back all students to our High School campus, except for those who wish to remain virtual. I hope that most students will return to school to gear up for the end of the year. Although many students will be on campus, we mustn’t relax on mask-wearing, washing our hands, and socially distancing as much as possible. We will be planning some more movement to gradually occur at the Middle School for students too, and plan to try to have a sense of normalcy. This has been a challenging year and although the percentage is lower for COVID-19 in our County, we are not out of the woods just yet.   


Mask-Up Campaign will continue to remind us to not get too comfortable just yet. We are doing great with limiting the spread of the virus. I will be reaching out to some students and teachers to be a part of the Mask-up film project next week!   


The Grinnell-Newburg Staff who wanted to receive their first round of vaccines are complete.   The second round will be administered on March 9 and March 16. Staff will receive a reminder the Friday before your scheduled date.  

Kindergarten Registration:

Kindergarten registration will run from February 15 through February 26. Current four-year-old preschool students will be bringing home a packet of information to register. You can return that packet to your preschool teacher or drop it off at Bailey Park, Fairview, or Central Office.  


Log into your parent portal to register your kindergartner.

IC screenshot

If you have questions about your parent portal please contact Katie Osborn at katie.osborn@grinnell-k12.org or 236-2676.


If you need a registration packet, please stop by Bailey Park, Fairview, or Central Office.  Questions?  Please contact Sarah Seney at 236-2780 or Josh Smith at 236-2770. 


Board Meeting:

The Board of Education will be meeting on Wednesday, February 24, 2021. Davis Elementary School will be highlighting their school. We will also be discussing the students’ return plan for March 15, 2021. We have a few items on the agenda, and the board will be meeting in a closed session to discuss the sale or purchase of land.  


Knock Your Socks Off!

Carrie Nachazel you have Knocked off your Socks!   

Congratulations to Carrie, our Director for Nutrition and Food Services. Do you know that our food service organized roughly 600 meals per day for more than 6 months? This is roughly 72,000 meals served to families during the pandemic. Carrie stated “The collaboration/operation completely changed how we function as a team. We coordinated with transportation to drop off meals and ensured that families had access to food during the height of the pandemic. Even now, every student can access a meal free of charge and our team works hard to ensure that students enjoy some of their favorite meals”. Carrie's nomination read, “Carrie coordinated meals for LINK, delivered meals to our home, and at a moment's notice responded to the needs of families. She has gone above and beyond for our families and our community”.  What brings Carrie joy in her work? She shared, “ensuring that students are getting the nutrition that they need so that they have the energy to learn during the day”. Way to go Carrie!

Food Service photoCarrie


Jen Vanderleest:  Special Education Teacher, High School

When I asked Jen if her feet were cold, she knew right away that it must be some sort of joke! I told her they must be because she has knocked her socks off! She laughed, and believe me her smile and laugh are catchy. I think that is why so many students seek her out to stay connected. Jen shared, “I enjoy being around the kids personally. They make me laugh and lift me every day. For more than 10 years, I’ve walked our school building hallways to make students feel welcomed while looking to help students too. I am kind of a kid myself and being human makes students feel comfortable”. Her nomination stated that, “she is one teacher that looks out for her students and is willing to make sure that their school schedules and classes match what they need. You can tell that Jen loves her students no matter what, and can see the best in them”!  Way to go Jen!   


Jen 2020Vanderleest


Jan Phifer Pre-school Teacher at Fairview, you too have Knocked your Socks Off! 

Whenever I walk into the pre-school at Fairview, it brings me joy.  I find it rewarding to see how our youngest learners know routines, are engaged in learning, follow directions, and are thrilled to be in school. Jan explained, “that our students are resilient!  They bring joy to my heart every day. Even though as teachers we are feeling the stress of this unusual school year, our students don’t know anything different. In a way, they are teaching us grown-ups on how to roll with it”!  Jan’s nomination read, “I am so happy how much my student has made significant gains academically over the course of this year. Jan knows my child so well and understands my child’s needs. I am grateful to her for all she does to support my child”. Way to go Jan!


Jan 2020PK 2020


Don’t Miss out on this special weekend event!  Josh Smith, Bailey Park Principal will be a guest reader this weekend! Saturday, February 20th via Zoom! Check it out! 



The Facebook link is located here.  If you want just the Zoom link.


Free Food Box:

Free Food Box Information

Grinnell Regional Game: Tigers Defeated Newton!  They move on to round two! 

Girls Basketballgirls BBall 2020

Cheer at basketball


Upcoming Events:

Friday, Feb. 19th

State Wrestling- Wells Fargo

Tiger Paws Showcase- Family Only

6:30 PM


Saturday, Feb. 20th

State Wrestling- Wells Fargo

Girls BBall @ Gilbert- 7pm

Regional Tournament- 2nd Round


Monday, Feb. 22nd

7th B Bball vs Knoxville- 4:30

8th B BBall @ Knoxville- 4:30

V Boys BBall @ CCA-7pm

Substate Round 1


Tuesday, Feb. 23rd

7th B Bball vs STC- 5:30

8th B BBall vs STC- 4:30


Thursday, Feb. 25th

7th B Bball vs Osky- 4:30

8th B Bball @ Osky- 4:30


Enjoy the warmer weather heading our way this weekend! Yes, it will be in the upper 20’s low 30’s. Let’s hope the deep freeze is behind us!





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