Weekly Update: February 23, 2018
Weekly Update: February 23, 2018
Dear Grinnell-Newburg Families and Friends:
It has been an exciting three day week here in Grinnell-Newburg! I want to thank our parents, staff and families for your patience as we delayed school on Tuesday morning and then ultimately cancelled. I think that we have fixed our issue in Infinite Campus following a system update so that in the future you will receive the email and voice reach at the same time. I am not sure which made me more nervous this week: getting the voice reach to work before 6:30 on Tuesday morning, or watching our girls win on Wednesday night. We are so very proud of our team and all of our fans. What an exciting game!
Monday is a Community-wide Orange & Black Day:
Mayor Dan Agnew has declared Monday as Orange and Black day in Grinnell in honor of our GHS girls basketball team on their way to state for the second year in a row! The team will receive a clap-out from fellow students and GHS staff as school ends. All supporters are invited to line the sidewalks outside the high school at 4:45 p.m. from the main entrance down towards 8th street. We will give the team a clap-out as they exit the building and board the bus, and will cheer them out and on to state! The game starts at 8:30 p.m. at the Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines. Please review this website regarding tickets and safety procedures prior to attending the event.
Please know if they win, they will go on to play Thursday at 3:15 p.m. Therefore, Thursday’s schedule could potentially be modified so we can get staff and students to Des Moines to support our team. We would have an early dismissal at 1:00 p.m., as I want to ensure students get lunch, and this will allow us to operate as normal a schedule as possible, while covering all who are connected who need to be at the game.
Congratulations to the team on their 86-47 victory over Pella this past Wednesday night! Great job girls!
Congratulations to Brock Beck for finishing 6th at the State Wrestling Tournament last week in Des Moines! Great work, Brock!
Above and Beyond
Jarrett Rose and Ava Deitrich were recognized for their work with the Middle School Drama Club. Congratulations to both of you, and thank you for your work with our Middle School Students. The Concert Band was also recognized - great job guys!
Save the Date!
March 4th - All families in our community with children ages birth to 5 are invited to attend and learn more about the 5 Essentials of Early Literacy. This is a family event that will be held from 3-5:00 at the High School. This is a cooperative effort by our preschool community partners and several other agencies in town. As part of the family event, all programs will additionally have enrollment information and applications for the 2018-2019 school year. We will be taking enrollment applications throughout the month of March and early April.
Davis Elementary Assembly
Last Friday Davis held an assembly to pump our kids up for Iowa Assessments they were taking this week.
Congratulations to our Art Students!
Congratulations to Danica Nolton for winning Best of Show with her photograph, Chromatic Origins and 1st place in Photography with Chromaticity and Lane Thompson for 2nd place photograph, Eternal Waves, in the Annual Simpson College High School Art Competition.
FFA Breakfast:
FFA students hosted their annual breakfast this morning! Thank you FFA for our Friday morning Feast! The staff greatly appreciated it.
Missed Snow Day Make-Up Day
Please know that we have not made a decision yet about when we will make up the snow day that we missed. There will be decision made early next week, then I will ask the Board of Education to formally amend the the 2017-18 calendar. Thank you for your patience.
School Board Meeting: Wednesday February 28, 2018
The next meeting of the Grinnell-Newburg School District’s Board of Education will be held next Wednesday. A few discussion items will include: GNSF Mini Grants recipients, a Schoolwide Curriculum Resource Presentation, Track Resurfacing Quote, Technology Updates for summer and Bond Discussion.
Upcoming Events: Please visit the Calendar page on our website for further details
February 23 - Tiger Paws Winter Showcase
February 26 - Girls Basketball to State
February 28 - Meeting of the Board of Education
March 5 - No School, PD Day
March 5 - Kindergarten Registration
March 8-10 - The Little Mermaid Performance
March 13 - Senior Band Concert
March 14 - Meeting of the Board of Education
March 15 - 5-8 Band Concert
March 17 - Night of Jazz Band Concert
March 21 - Meeting of the Board of Education
March 26-30 - Spring Break
Don’t forget to visit the Virtual Backpack - there are several new events coming up for students!
Have a great weekend!
Dr. Janet M. Stutz
Grinnell-Newburg Schools