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Grinnell-Newburg CSD


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Weekly Update: March 22, 2019

Dr. Stutz

Weekly Update: March 22, 2019


Dear Board of Education, Staff, Families and Friends,

Happy Spring! I think we are finally headed for warmer weather! The sun is shining and Spring has arrived! This weekly update is filled with celebrations, important information for parents, and opportunities for students this summer. Please take a look! I would like to wish everyone a relaxing Spring Break, next week, March 25-29. It is my best hope that you have time to catch up with family and friends! Please remember that April 1st will be a student attendance day! We will have an early dismissal at 12:30PM.


SIAC Meeting on Section 504 student plans April 10th 5:00-6:00 PM High School Library:

The SIAC Committee will be sponsoring a parent and teacher informational meeting on Section 504 “Process, Procedures and Implementation of a 504 plan. What I need to Know when Navigating a Successful 504 Student Plan”. Dr. William Soesbe, Kelsi Walter, and Dr. Janet Stutz will be facilitating this informational session. We hope you can join us to learn more about the 504 process and how you as a parent or teacher can navigate a successful plan.  


ISASP State Assessment:

This is a reminder that our students will be participating in the ISASP assessment after Spring Break in grades 3-11 in the areas of reading, writing and math, and in grades 5, 8 and 10 for science. This is a new State test that will be done online. We ask that parents review information from your school building announcements and newsletters about testing dates and times. We encourage students to get plenty of rest, eat a healthy breakfast, and be sure that students are in attendance during testing time. Please try not to schedule appointments during testing sessions. Remind students to do the best they can, and to not rush through the test. These assessments not only help us to know students skills and performance, but they also help staff to identify curriculum needs or gaps.   

April 10th Board Meeting Recognition:  

The Board will be recognizing all of our students, coaches and sponsors who have participated in a State Level Athletic Competition, or an ALL State Event since fall. (FFA, Speech, band, etc…) Students will be notified ahead of time if you are being recognized. Since this may be a large gathering, the Board meeting will be held in the Auditorium at 6:00 PM following the SIAC meeting. We will recognize students/Coaches/sponsors later this Spring if they have participated in a state event after April 1.   


AmeriCorps Summer Learning Applications Now Available!

Give kids a strong start this summer by joining the AmeriCorps Summer team! The Grinnell Education Partnership is now seeking more than 30 Summer Learning Members to assist with fun enrichment activities in host sites around Grinnell. If you are at least 17 years old, call (641) 269-3900 or email americorps@grinnell.edu more information about this exciting summer opportunity. The application deadline is Friday, April 5, 2019.


Connected PTO Free Family Game Night was a success!

Game Night 2019Family Game Night


Students in Mr. Hosbond's English 9 have been studying Romeo & Juliet. They showed off their masks and performed an Elizabethan dance in class after reviewing Act I, Scene 5--the party where R & J first met and spoke in a sonnet.

English 9 class


Congrats Dane Edwards & Josh Bailey! Dane 2019 3A All-State Jazz Guitarist and Josiah  2019 Tenor Sax Alternate - All-State Jazz!

Dane EdwardsJosh Bailty


Congratulations goes out to Ashton Hale, Case Fenner, & Miles Latham on their selection to the 2019 All-State Festival for individual speech. Ashton was selected in Improvisation, Case in Spontaneous Speaking, and Miles in Reviewing. They will be performing at Cedar Falls on Monday!
Grinnell FRC Tech Tigers 5935 will be competing in the FIRST Robotics Competition on the UNI Campus with more than 50 teams.  Their matches will be webcast on Friday and Saturday at this link.

Tiger Techscedar falls tiger techs competition


Virtual Backpack:

Don’t Forget to check out our virtual backpack!  We have already started to post activities for summer!  Lifeguarding, AmeriCorp openings, summer positions, summer music camps, gymnastics, and much more!   Take a look here: Virtual Backpack


Next week’s update will consist of Upcoming Events and brief announcements as we will be on Spring Break.  The District Office will be open next week from 8:00-4:00 PM.


Upcoming Events:


Friday, March 22 - Girls JV/V Indoor Track & Field Meet @ Central College

Saturday, March 23 - Solo & Small Ensemble Performances @ GHS

March 25-29 - Spring Break

Monday,March 25 - All State Individual Speech

April 1 - 12:30 dismissal - Professional Development for staff in the afternoon


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